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Core Trainings
Transform the way you think and react to market conditions and the signals you get from your trading plan
telling you to initiate or exit a trade.
Quickstart Guides
Clear video instructions from Norman Hallett, “The Disciplined Trader” for every section to help you get the
most out of your Mastery Kit.
Advanced Trainings
Strengthen your “inner game” with simple exercises you can do anywhere to develop true “ice-water-in-the-veins”
discipline in any market scenario.
Personal Leatherbound Journal
Journaling can improve your trading success ten-fold. This attractive, leather bound journal is sure to make you
want to become even more dedicated to sharpening your trading skills.
Real World Scenarios
Interviews and in-depth Q&A sessions with our expert faculty answering student questions cover stumbling
blocks and challenges faced by new and experienced traders.
“Trading Basics” Make Sure Your Fundamentals Are Solid
From Building and Running a Solid Training Plan, and Risk and Money Management, to Journaling Tips,
and Running Your Trading as a Money-Making Business, we’ve got you covered!
Valuable Bonus Content
Exclusive bonus materials you won’t find anywhere else to help you maintain momentum and solidify
your trainings and continue improving your trading skills and mental game.
Now, unless you spend your spare time reading scientific journals, you might not know much about the latest developments in the area of how the subconscious communicates with our “waking” or conscious awareness. What scientists are beginning to piece together – is the significant degree to which the subconscious mind influences the way we behave.
They’ve discovered the fastest, most effective, and permanent way to change your behavior… the way you think and act… is to download those patterns into your subconscious via a series of guided, step-by-step exercises. And that same training is what helped me get the mental discipline I needed to be a successful trader. It didn’t happen overnight. But in less time than you’d think, I learned to use subconscious training to put real discipline into my trading. Naturally, I saw there was another group that could benefit big time from subconscious training: traders. After all, it had worked like gangbusters for me.
So I decided to take everything I’d learned about gaining discipline through subconscious training… combine it with everything about trading some of the smartest guys on Wall Street would share… and see if I could use that wealth of clinical knowledge and trading street smarts to develop a method that would help other struggling traders achieve higher levels of success. The result? Something I’m very proud of… The Disciplined Trader Mastery Kit™
A full-time trader determined to elbow your way alongside the big boys,
skyrocket your income and carve out the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of…
A part-time trader who wants more enjoyment out of your new venture alongside
the opportunity to create a nest egg, or improve your portfolio…
A relatively green trader with a few trades under your belt that’s been stung due to the
intense pressure of putting even small amounts of your personal capital on the line…
Or perhaps you’ve been trading on a demo account and are finally ready to take the next step
– but you recognize the need to work on your mental game before you take the plunge.
It’s a unique and all-encompassing, Success Training Program for traders who are struggling and for those just beginning to trade, as well as traders who are already successful and want to go to the next level of success.
"The Mastery Kit™” is the only place on earth that provides a step-by-step system to help you easily achieve the mental discipline you need to master your emotions and become a successful trader. While providing access to other essential tools every serious trader must have.
Your training assets are laid out in such a way as you’ll get down your “Basics” first (CDs 1,2,3 and 4), then you’ll move on to the CORE Modules (CDs 5 thru 10), where you’ll be adjusting the ‘way’ you think on a subconscious level; shoring up (or building from scratch) your trading plan and your risk and money management approach; and finally structuring your self-assessment and self-adjustment process via Journaling.
We’ve arranged the material in the Mastery Kit in a straight-forward, orderly way, so that there is no confusion on how to proceed with the material. Start with CD1 and move through the CDs one-by-one, right through CD10. CDs 11 and 12 are bonus CDs that you may review any time you’d like, whenever you’d find them useful.
Each CD (except the bonus CDs 11 and 12) begins with a video, where we explain the contents of the CD, and suggest the optimal way to use the training assets contained on that CD. Simple, clear, and easy.