With the recent launch of The Disciplined Trader Mastery Kit, earning commissions has never been easier.
As an affiliate you can send out our emails to your subscribers anytime you want to and are no longer
bound by a set-date launch. You can host a webinar for us to sell directly to your subscribers or you
can offer our Mastery Kit as an up-sell when selling your products and still earn commission or you can
place our banners on your website. We are open to any ideas you may have that can make you
money so be creative.
Be sure to check out the site and take a look at the Mastery Kit. You will not find anything like this anywhere
and the beauty of it is, it compliments virtually every trading program out there and every trader needs
the Mastery Kit, whether they know it or not. (Learn more about TDT's approach to trading discipline.)
For more information
contact Bryce Woodall
Phone: 678-810-0790
Email: brycewoodall@thedisciplinedtrader.com
To sign up now for our affiliate
program, click here.
We will review your application and get back
to you within 24 hours.
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